My Ping in

Friday 17 April 2009

Daily Observations

Ever notice that when you walk down the street and you smile a big smile and make eye contact, you will usually get a smile in return.
Such is not the case with someone who lives in a perpetual state of negativity.
Those people will probably look at you with an expression of "What's wrong with you", and an even deeper thought of "Why are they so happy, and I'm not".
My feeling tends to be that there can be a sense of resentment that runs deep inside of themselves and subconsciously will try to bring you down to their state of negativity or hopelessness.
After all, Misery loves company
Thus the law of attraction
Likes attract likes.
The unfortunate thing is that most people do not live in the moment. They give most of their daily energy to the things that are not working in their lives, Those things will tend to grow and internally become increasingly more intense to the point of hopelessness.
We are all creatures of habit, just as we find it difficult to quit cigarettes, it is as equally difficult to stop the destructive type of internal conversation we have with ourselves.
My findings are that if we can bring these destructive thoughts to the conscious level, and catch ourselves, we can tell ourselves " Stop! thank you for sharing" . We can then put the energy that we expend into a constructive habit, more conducive to self betterment, and our lives will change.
Just like the cigarette, quiting takes work.
Changing our thought processes also will take work, because if you keep thinking the same thing over and over again, the subconscious will believe what ever it is that is untrue, will believe it as gospel.
Quiting cigarettes cold turkey is a bad thing, but that will depend on the person.
The human system could go into a state of shock, again, depends on the person.
Thought processes, in my observation, are really no different, as, that through a life long time-frame of conditioning, this process has also become a habit.
Stopping these processes can also be a shock to the system since they are not unlike the cigarette habit.
Here's a little example. When you have a routine in the morning and you run on autopilot, you don't have to think about flipping on the coffee maker, hopping in the shower, brushing your teeth, etc.
But how does it feel when someone, say your spouse decides that your toothbrush needs to be kept in a different location in the bathroom, say, the cupboard.
You now have to switch from autopilot, (your subconscious) to having to actually think where the toothbrush is! (the consciousness)or manual.
It feels weird and uncomfortable until you re-train the subconscious that the toothbrush is in the cupboard, and through repetition you will eventually feel comfortable with it's new location and it now becomes a new habit.
You have now convinced the subconscious that this is gospel.
Another example would be, learning to play the guitar.
Forming chords you need to consciously place the fingers in the right position to get the chords right, but after a while, and with practice you will find that the placement of the fingers will become easier and automatic, thus you are shifting this thought process into the subconscious.
My conclusions to these observations:
If you have to physically think about an action or process, you are thinking with the conscious part of the mind, and if you don't have to think about an action or process, it is firmly implanted in the subconscious therefore requiring less effort.
Doing tasks or thinking thoughts in a conscious level actually requires effort and energy.
So if you are constantly training your subconscious to work on autopilot, Why not feed it good info. I think that by making an effort to realize that bad habits and bad thought can create an undesirable outcome in how someone lives their life, we can make a conscious shift in our thought process to create new habits and outcomes. Hopefully more desirable, of course.

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