My Ping in

Thursday 10 January 2013

Funny Quote Pictures

Funny Quote Pictures Biography
Thanksgiving: a time for food, fun, family and frustration... so much frustration. As we do every holiday, we thought we'd take a look back at what some of our favorite funny people have said about the day. After all, who couldn't use a few laughs before wading knee-deep into giblet gravy and unwanted opinions about everything?
Happy Thanksgiving!

I have just recently realized that a lot of my stuff is being moderated out of existence, too! Amazing, considering the number of "FU--no, FU!" conversations that go on around here. Daily Kos had an article a couple of days ago that suggested that Ariana has other purposes here than intelligent discourse, though....

I do love these quotes! Long ago, when I was young, I didn't vote (which--gosh!--may be why George McGovern was never president, huh?). Then GW Bush and his brownshirts scared the hell out of me and I got very political. I can't take it anymore, though--I think I'll go back to admitting my vote means absolutely nothing.
Swearing, obscenities, blasphemies even advocating out right hatred is never a cause for something to be deleted on the Internet. If it is cloaked in polite & acceptable hatred and even more so if it agrees with the censors idea of what is ¨politically correct¨ which is always and forever behind the Nirvana that more enlightened beings are trying to take humanity regardless of how insane they appear to the masses. For nothing much has really changed since Galileo tried to help us see the greater beauty of a much more wondrous universe than of believing mistakenly...that we are at the center of it all.

And in the oligarchy of the Earth composed of 6,000,000,000 plus egos it is very difficult to see how ones ¨vote¨ would have any effect on anything save for one of letting one know how truly impotent one is to try to change something using that method alone. After all, ALL politicians only reflect where true leaders(such as a Martin Luther King, a Gandhi, or a Thoreau or others) have dragged humanity kicking and screaming trying to get us to go some place better. And such beings are always vilified as criminals while they are alive and deified in their death by the very same people who would advocate their silencing if they were alive today.

And CONGRATULATIONS for having so many posts moderated out of existence because you obviously must have a lot more to say...than they want to get through.
Actually, you are only partly correct. The original Constitution established a republic, but of a modified sort that included voting to select people to represent the people's interests and a stated intent toward government by the people, for the people, and of the people. That Constitution was amended to broaden the franchise toward not away from democracy, but democracy within the deliberative framework of of a republic of three branches of government, all of which, however, are to serve the people's interests. Your definition of democracy is facile and, ultimately, silly, precisely because it doesn't scale. When elections are decided by who has the biggest purse, not only is democracy in danger but even more so the republic When the Founders created the checks and balances, they were not thinking about bank drafts and deposits. And THAT is a good thing ya'll.
I divided my time between courses, experimental work, and study in the library. In the evening I worked in my room, sometimes very late into the night. All that I saw and learned that was new delighted me. It was like a new world opened to me, the world of science, which I was at last permitted to know in all liberty. ... During these years of isolated work, trying little by little to find my real preferences, I finally turned towards mathematics and physics, and resolutely undertook a serious preparation for future work.
(Marie Curie, who travelled from Warsaw to Paris to study in 1891)

I noticed the grave and gentle expression of his face, as well as a certain abandon in his attitude, suggesting the dreamer absorbed in his reflections. 
Marie Curie (1867 - 1934) was a Polish-born French chemist and pioneer in the early field of radiology and a two-time Nobel laureate. She founded the Curie Institutes in Paris and in Warsaw.

Her first years were sorrowful ones, marked by the death of her sister and, four years later, her mother. She was notable for her diligent work ethic, neglecting even food and sleep to study. Due to her gender, she was not allowed admission into any Russian or Polish universities so she worked as a governess for several years. Eventually, with the monetary assistance of her elder sister, she moved to Paris and studied chemistry and physics at the Sorbonne, where she became the first woman to teach.

Marie Curie's work in physics won her a scholarship. And a group of industrialists, the Society for the Encouragement of National Industry, paid her to investigate the magnetic properties of different steels. To carry out the work she needed a lab. She was introduced to Pierre Curie in spring 1894, who let Marie work in his laboratory. Pierre Curie had made important scientific discoveries on magnetism and crystals. As the relationship between Pierre and Marie deepened, he convinced her that she should pursue science in Paris, not return to Poland for good. She in turn convinced him to write up his magnetism research and get a doctoral degree. He was then promoted to a professorship.

Pierre and Marie married in July 1895. Over the next two years, Marie completed her research on the magnetic properties of steels. She submitted her final results shortly before giving birth to their first daughter, Irène, in September 1897. Pierre’s father, a retired doctor, moved in with them and helped raise Irène. Marie began looking for a research topic that would earn her a doctorate in science. No woman in the world had yet completed that degree.

Together they studied radioactive materials, particularly the uranium ore pitchblende, which had the curious property of being more radioactive than the uranium extracted from it. By 1898 they deduced a logical explanation: that the pitchblende contained traces of some unknown radioactive component which was far more radioactive than uranium; thus on December 26th Marie Curie announced the existence of this new substance. As Marie Curie wrote;
My experiments proved that the radiation of uranium compounds can be measured with precision under determined conditions, and that this radiation is an atomic property of the element of uranium. Its intensity is proportional to the quantity of uranium contained in the compound, and depends neither on conditions of chemical combination, nor on external circumstances, such as light or temperature.
I undertook next to discover if there were other elements possessing the same property, and with this aim I examined all the elements then known, either in their pure state or in compounds. I found that among these bodies, thorium compounds are the only ones which emit rays similar to those of uranium.
During the course of my research, I had had occasion to examine not only simple compounds, salts and oxides, but also a great number of minerals. Certain ones proved radioactive; these were those containing uranium and thorium; but their radioactivity seemed abnormal, for it was much greater than the amount I had found in uranium and thorium had led me to expect.
This abnormality greatly surprised us. When I had assured myself that it was not due to an error in the experiment, it became necessary to find an explanation. I then made the hypothesis that the ores uranium and thorium contain in small quantity a substance much more strongly radioactive than either uranium or thorium. This substance could not be one of the known elements, because these had already been examined; it must, therefore, be a new chemical element.
I had a passionate desire to verify this hypothesis as rapidly as possible. And Pierre Curie, keenly interested in the question, abandoned his work on crystals (provisionally, he thought) to join me in the search for this unknown substance.
We chose, for our work, the ore pitchblende, a uranium ore, which in its pure state is about four times more active than oxide of uranium. Since the composition of this ore was known through very careful chemical analysis, we could expect to find, at a maximum, 1 per cent of new substance. The result of our experiment proved that there were in reality new radioactive elements in pitchblende, but that their proportion did not reach even a millionth per cent! (Marie Curie, from Pierre Curie pp. 96-98)

Over several years of unceasing labour they refined several tons of pitchblende, progressively concentrating the radioactive components, and eventually isolated initially the chloride salts (refining radium chloride on 20 April 1902) and then two new chemical elements. The first they named polonium after Marie's native country, and the other was named radium from its intense radioactivity. Other scientists did not trust the announcement, for the Curies did not have enough polonium and radium to see and weigh. The elements’ existence was known from nothing but their radioactivity. The Curies would have to separate their elements from the other substances they were mixed with. The storeroom at Pierre’s school was too small for such work, and the Curies continued their work in an abandoned shed nearby.
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